You Are Being Watch Now
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You Are Being Watch Now

YingHong Yuan

During the outbreak, more and more people need to use cameras at home and in online classes. In view of the possible vulnerability of the webcam, I hope to create a simulation peeping and peeped screen (web page) in this project. My aim is to highlight the hidden dangers of webcams. An insecure camera on your computer allows malicious hackers to spy directly into your life.

I'm going to create a web page that automatically opens the camera for users who have webcams installed. At the same time, I will hide the frame of the webcam on the web page, waiting for the audience to find out. I hope that through this work, we can arouse the audience's thinking. today, we can not leave the network life, but our personal information in the network environment is not that safe.

You Are Being Watch Now (New Art City): Link to New Art City

You Are Being Watch Now (Website): Link to Website



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