Electric Waves
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Electric Waves

Talea Rendon

The ocean is a magical place, full of mysterious creatures and events that many of us will never have the pleasure of experiencing in our lifetimes. Because most do not interact with the ocean on a regular basis, it is often neglected and abused. One of my favorite things about the ocean is the natural phenomenon bioluminescence, the extraordinary adaptation that allows certain animals to produce and emit light. There are different uses for bioluminescence. In the deep sea, most animals are only able to see blue light. However there are rare instances where species (usually predators) are able to see red light that is visible to only them.

Just as these fish are only able to see specific colored light, humans are only able to see what’s right in front of them. It is important for us to expand our vision, becoming aware of the world we do not see day to day.

Electric Waves (New Art City): Link to New Art City

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