Sound Pulse
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Sound Pulse

Jecky Xiong

Throughout my academic career, I have always questioned if I was going towards a career path that I wanted to pursue or was it just something I thought it would be interesting to go into. My journey at San Jose State University really helped identify who I am as a person and what my passions really were. However, this journey has also made me question whether or not I am pursuing something I do have a passion for. Throughout this journey I have found my passion for music and the urge to want to create music, but I did not want to leave behind my passion in art as well, because I do enjoy creating art. Instead of dropping one passion for the other, for my huge final project at San Jose State University, I decided to combine these two passions to make something that I am proud and passionate about. I created a visual in Max 8 that pulsed to the audio of a music track that I created in a digital audio workstation called LMMS. This is the first time I have ever created a music track for anything and I can say that I am proud of it, even if it is not amazing to a musician’s ears. This is the first step to another passion that I am not going to give up on.

Sound Pulse (New Art City): Link to New Art City



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