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Eddson Jose

Cosmoscopic is a holistic view of the objects that make the universe. Whether that object is you, me, nature, the artificial, or the stars – it is all derived from the same elements visualized by Cosmoscopic as dots.

In Cosmoscopic, dots form objects that we consider artificial, natural, and in between. Within the installation, one half of the room exhibits objects that we consider artificial while the other exhibits objects that are natural. Between the artificial and the natural are objects that are more difficult to distinguish as one or the other. What makes the objects in the room are a combination of dots that create forms and colors that are wholly unique yet equal to each other. Cosmoscopic seeks to prove that everything within the universe is natural.

“Natural” in Cosmoscopic describes any and every object as a relative entity that occurs within the universe. Natural, in the scale of human perception and beyond, is more than the trees and mountains; it is life of any kind, elements that form into any object, metal that is formed by the appendage of any being, thoughts that form from electrical signals, electricity that dances behind our monitors. What we were, what we become, and what we make is universally “natural.”

Cosmoscopic (New Art City): Link to New Art City



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