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Derrick Saenz

Worn displays the sensations of someone who feels like they are worn down to their brim. Anxiety, depression, and pressure are all physical reactions to these [feelings/states] illustrated by this piece.

The confusion that comes from anxiety is represented by a maze. Mazes are complicated to navigate and can serve as a prime example of how it feels when we are anxious about our future. We don’t know what will come up, and we don’t know how to deal with the uncertainty.

With the many demands of everyday life, there is an undeniable pressure that comes with being a student, a employee or employer, and a part-time volunteer, a single parent, …. . For me, high cost of living in the Bay….. but it is this pressure from external sources in the present which cause the feeling that there is something always pressing at me from all sides.

I don’t know what it is exactly, but when I am letting my guard down and my mind wanders, it loves to wander into the darker side of thought. “Am I good enough for the people around me”? “How has what I’ve done affected those people”? “Do people notice or care about what I do”? All these questions cause this physical discomfort across my body, from my molars to the knuckles in my fingers. This sensation is what inspired this art piece, but this is what I think of when I think of depression. The dwelling on my past and the scanning for errors causes a discomfort and a numbness that I can only describe as a white noise.

Worn (New Art City): Link to New Art City

Portfolio: https://www.derricksaenz.com/

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