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Berenice Castro Cortes

Berenice is a multidisciplinary artist who explores tension release and displacement of otherworlds in real world situations. She blends the mystery created from the unknown with typical world situations to create an immersive world. Her evolution of color exploration allowed her to blend new media and traditional media to weave stories in weird and unusual manner. Her further exploration of new media has played a critical role in her recent pieces. In her most recent piece she questions the importance of humanity in a year filled with political turmoil amongst a global pandemic. A history filled with prejudice and injustice. To forgive but not forget equal does not equate to equality. This piece explores the idea: knowledge is power, through the process of healing. Unbreakable, encapsulates the past, present and the future. Before everything we are: human.

Unbreakable (New Art City): Link to New Art City

Portfolio: https://berecortesc.github.io/ar-beginning/index.html

Email: berenice.cortescastro@sjsu.edu

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weekndatberes/

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